
Robert Welch II
7 min readDec 23, 2023


People can be more easily pushed into dehumanizing by an intense need to belong to whatever is the current dominant socio-political group. The far left see’s them & their “Free Palestine” movement as the future so therefore dominate & current. But it’s conformism and fascism. The American progressive movement as currently constructed isn’t anything close to a working-class political movement. It’s an absolute farce and a cesspool of bigotry and hate. It’s a white grievance movement of people angry that they aren’t as wealthy as their parents were at their age. It’s not a working movement it’s a doing anything to get out of work movement. A who’s who of 2016 protest voters led by the same podcast grifters and Patreon pirates and go fund me feebs all aimed in the name and game of getting Donald Trump back in the white house so they can continue scamming. All the information that has been seeping into the progressives for years about Israel and Gaza has come directly from Hamas themselves. Every generation has lived through the Israel Palestine conflict, yet this is the only generation who gleefully side with the terrorists in a pathetical public display for a sad amount of attention and small political gain. Every generation has faced hardships including financial ones, but this is the only generation who chooses not to make it better. Instead of budgeting their money more intelligently so it goes further they spend all their money first on a grocery cart filled with precooked, premade, precut and food so they can snap a photo of the receipt and post online in an example of Joe Biden outrage porn. Of course, it’s all premediated, and prefabricated for premature attention. This is the take everything that’s bad and purposely make it worse generation. The leaders of this outfit of absurdly soft wannabe hard misfits are leftist versions of Right-Wing evangelical mega church pastors. Who put on similar showstopping sermons of them screaming and sweating as they pontificate about their, tax dollars and their morals and their individual conscience being clear to a pack of braindead zombie followers who think Jesus is speaking through them. They publicly induce anger about America buying bombs to drop on Palestinians in an effort to paint Joe Biden and Bibi Netanyahu as Terrorists. Bibi Netanyahu is a corrupt politician, but he is not Hamas. Joe Biden is doing what he can to help Israeli Jews defend themselves against Nazis who want to wipe them off then planet and everything he can do to help Palestinians not apart of Hamas. Which is all he can do and all any American President has ever been able to do and all any American President of the future would be able to do. Yet progressives are screaming that he can stop it all with one stroke of his pen, but he just doesn’t want to. It’s of course all a distraction from the real problem and that is the antisemitism of the American Left is rage boiling. Every time Israel retaliates against murders committed by Palestinian terrorists, they take to the streets waving Palestinian flags which at this point only represents Hamas considering they believe Israeli flags flown in support of the Jewish victims of October 7th only represent Israel’s government. The “Free Palestine” and “ceasefire now” calls coming from misinformed jackasses who think Israel controls Gaza. They’ve chased Jews around colleges campuses, ripped down Israel flags in Jewish businesses, ripped down missing posters of Kidnapped Jews, blocked traffic on brides, yelled Antisemitic slurs and slogans as they’ve started fights with Hollywood actors who happened to support Israel, sprayed a countless number of antisemitic graffiti on government buildings and Jewish property and just for good measure they punched an older black woman in the head. All the while they have been yelling “From The River To The Sea, Palestine Shall Be Free.” Which means that from the Jordan River to The Mediterranean Sea which includes the Gaza Strip and The Entire State of Israel shall be controlled by Hamas. American progressives want the Only Jewish State in the world to be taken over by men who want to rape and kill them. By men who want every Jew wiped off of the face of the earth. Seven million jews and two million Muslims live together in Israel in peace. Yet the American left insists on projecting onto the Jews of Israel White Anglo Saxon Protestant standards vs Native American history that is all in some deranged fantasy world. A spellbinding web of their Hamas propaganda dreams of going back through a time portal and somehow vicariously saving the first Americans. Stopping the genocide of the native Americans in a cold sweat of white savior syndrome panic. For some reason they believe Israel is bound by the united states constitution. Of course, once Hamas has control of all of Israel, they will magically go back to being the sweet kids that they were before Jews made them rapists and murderers. Israel bombs are evil, but Hamas rockets are purity vessels. Even within the psychological makeup of Hamas It’s not even so much about religion and territory. The bloods and the crips both thought somehow, they each owned part of Los Angeles too. It’s about male violence. Men are the one’s doing this. Men who want to rape, torture, control and kill. Men who hate Jews, women. The Children Of Men who can only get off sexually by lashing out with violence, torture, and control. Hamas a terrorist group operating since 1987 can better be described as a tribe of serial murderers and rapists working together in unison. Networking for their next Jewish victim. I’m not even sure they need to be referred to as terrorists anymore. Terrorism requires a political agenda and an end game backed up by violence. Hamas and Other radical Muslim groups there is no end game. The killing is the point and to keep it going is the agenda. They kill to satisfy their desire to kill and their need to keep killing. There’s never any political gain made and never has been as they have been killing for years. Yet in 2005 they were still voted into power that they have held with control of Gaza since. Palestinian terrorists have attacked the Jews of Israel relentlessly for a hundred years. Yet American Progressives are only outraged by the response when Jews have the gall to actually defend themselves. One of leftists’ favorite phrases to describe an attack on Israel and October 7th is “they had it coming” They also use it to describe the terrorist’s attacks on September 11th when they defend Osama Bin Laden a Muslim Terrorist. So, Jewish babies beheaded, and girls being raped according to the progressive members of the most useless group in politics “The Squad” they all “had it coming” What’s funny is nobody else ever has it coming. Iraq didn’t “Have it coming” despite conducting terrorists’ attacks in America including the first attempt to blow up the world trade center in 1993. Palestine didn’t have it coming for voting Hamas into office and allowing Hamas to take over since then. A segment of white liberals has taken a reverse position of the Conservative that everything the west does is bad, everything America and white people do is bad and anything a nonwhite person no matter how horrible is always either just fine or there’s always a good reason for it. They’ve done this for two reasons. The first reason is Marxism and socialism have always been based in racism and antisemitism. Second, they’ve now followed their red hat counterparts into the counterproductive war of taking the position opposite of them just because. Every new group is now compared to black Americans. Palestinians are always compared to black Americans just like The Irish were “the blacks or N-words of Europe. The American leftists defended IRA bombings as “they had it coming” because “The Irish are black”. But American leftists seem to care about these groups more than they a do actual black Americans otherwise they wouldn’t fight so hard for Donald Trump. They haven’t even tried to deal with Black America and their issues. They just tag some other group Black and start unprovoked and unasked tackling their problems. The classic American leftist is always looking for someone’s else’s problems to call their own and make worse. Looking to make anyone who gets into trouble black, and that the other person had it coming. Nicole Brown Simpson had it coming because she was white and O.J was black and repressed. Will Smith was black, and Chris Rock was white and had It coming. Sixth months ago, Hamas leaders were invited to the Kremlin no doubt getting funding and plans to conduct the October attacks on Israel by Putin who has become one of the Horseshoe’s most beloved deities as well as the main benefactor of terrorism all over the world. American leftists are just too damn close with unsavory charlatans and terrorists too easily duped to help them conduct and defend and continue their evil plans. Apparently the lesser of two evils isn’t Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump but to them Hamas is apparently the lesser of two evils vs Israeli babies. Hamas is nobody’s victim. Hamas is a creation of itself for itself. Its own radical fundamentalism and antisemitism. They want to extinguish every Jewish life on the planet, and they have no loftier goal or purpose otherwise. Leftists are the ones who continue to tie Hamas to other Palestinians and then cry foul that others are blaming Palestine not Hamas, yet they continue to give Hamas excuses for killing that they are somehow defending Palestine. Defending Hamas, The IRA, Joining the Taliban and selling secrets to Russia is where the progressive party stands today. While trying to knock out Joe Biden instead of focusing on fighting Republicans and beating Donald Trump. To say that they have put a stain on Progressivism and liberalism in general would be an understatement. It makes it embarrassing to call yourself a progressive these days. Of course, they aren’t brave enough to call themselves socialists and Marxists they must run elections as Democrats and not even independents. They hate Democrats but want to use their title and umbrellas to protect themselves from being found out as a Marxist. It’s the same reason Republicans fly Fuck Biden flags and Let’s Go Brandon gear instead of MAGA they’re afraid people might get the right idea about them. The connection white conservatives and white leftists have together can never be broken no matter how much they pretend they’re enemies. They work together to hurt many marginalized people who they tag black and pretend to care about. They have a forever bond they try to ignore but it’s always going to be there, it’s where their loyalty will always reside. The Left Stands with Hamas for Donald Trump. The Right stands with Israel for Donald Trump. It’s all a concoction of some very loud and deceitful preachers on both sides.



Robert Welch II
Robert Welch II

Written by Robert Welch II

Movies, Books, Music, Art & Literature and Politics. Opinionated Social Commentary

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