Ineffective Progressives

Robert Welch II
10 min readJul 19, 2022

The accusations being thrown President Joe Biden’s way for being ineffective could not be more desperate projection from the online progressive world. They were ineffective at getting Bernie Sanders elected, twice. The accusations especially coming from online so-called news show The Young Turks is even more amusing projection because their leader and founder Cenk Uygur lost his election for Congress in California’s 25th district only receiving six percent of the vote. Of course he only ran to play spoiler in another grift to hurt the Democratic candidate Chrissy Smith. Six percent Cenk has clearly shown he is ineffective at running for office and ineffective at throwing his so-called support at anyone else who does. He is also ineffective at running his own network. Considering he had to chop it down like a cherry tree. The dozens of programs that used to make TYT successful which included a movie review show, a sports show, and many others are gone. Cenk axed them as he no longer wanted to share the wealth with the people who helped build it for him. That wealth partly came in a $20 million donation from former Republican Buddy Roemer and more from corporate Hollywood in the form of another $20 million bestowed by Former DreamWorks and Disney president Jefferey Katzenberg. Even with that kind of money Cenk fired most of the on-air personalities at his network. He also spent the last few years trying to keep his employees from unionizing. Something he preaches every day in his screeching, shrill and self-absorbent contemptuous anti-Democratic party monologues for other companies to do. Cenk had to clean house partly because past sexist, racist and wildly crazy inappropriate comments from the days of the beginning of his network came back to haunt him. And a video made by a black activist made the round on social media. The video consisted of Cenk and others at TYT using the N word over the years pretty freely and casually. Cenk being the person that he is was all encapsulated in the kind of people Cenk has hired over the years. Cenk’s hiring record is a who’s who of two faced, multiple personality disorder grifter nutcakes. Jimmy Dore, Dave Rubin, Ryan Grimm, Michael Tracey, David Sirota, Jordan Chariton, Shaun King. Mostly duplicity scholars and malcontent abusers especially of women, sexual harassers who engage in just as much racial harassment as they do grifting. A bubble of thieves and con artists who have swindled working poor people out of a lot of money and ran off down the highway. In 2014 Cenk hired Michael A Wood Jr. A former Baltimore Police Officer who decided he wanted to use his job as a cop to grift off of the current landscape he saw before him just before Black Lives Matter exploded onto the scene when there was a story of an unarmed black man being shot by police in the news every day and there were riots in Baltimore and Ferguson Wood, Jr. first came to the social network surface through black activist DeRay Mckesson. One of the early high-profile supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement. Wood, Jr. popped up on McKesson’s twitter feed telling his tales of being a racist Baltimore cop shaking down and arresting mostly black people. Wood Jr. used this as a springboard to become a flavor of the month white progressive online world celebrity in a phony attempt to become some kind of activist for police reform. Hitting every podcast and YouTube channel including Joe Rogan and The Young Turks hocking some kind of absurd police reform plan. In 2016 Wood Jr and Fellow TYT employee Wesley Clark Jr. both Army Veterans made headlines when they helped rally other veterans and traveled to Standing Rock, South Dakota to support water protectors who were protesting the Dakota access pipeline. TYT had many of its hands in the DAPL Protests including reporter Jordan Chariton who became a mediator between Clark, Jr. Wood, Jr, and the online press covering the story on the ground. Of course, this was all a con job led by TYT members looking to rip people off. Hundreds of thousands of dollars donated to the DAPL Protests went missing and was never given to Native Americans and never given to veterans who came to support the cause. It’s likely much of it just went right to Cenk Uygur’s bank account. The DAPL heist is also the watershed moment that representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez claims gave her a spiritual awakening about her heritage to run for political office. Of course, it took a bunch of white guys grifting to have a spiritual awakening? She had a spiritual awakening alright when she saw how easy it is to con young white progressives and rip them off just as the whole band of deranged misfits were so easily able to do. Cortez herself has slung accusation of ineffectiveness and even incompetence toward Biden has she has continued to fail at passing any meaningful legislation herself. Preferring to be an online celebrity making the occasional public appearance for attention and demanding Democrats do something. Recently she posted a video of her on her way to get a manicure likening it to some kind of exhibit of activism. While Biden was signing an executive order to do whatever he could to help protect women’s reproductive rights. Cortez is still claiming she’s more effective than Biden. Cortez and Uygur as well as Sanders have been in business together. Groups like Justice Democrats who take money from Politicians to campaign for them and push them on their news networks as they sue them to sabotage Democratic candidates. The Sunrise Movement a bogus climate change activist outlet of supposed children worried about the environment ran by a bunch of adult grifters who spend inordinate amounts of time protesting Democrats and staging acts of whiny performance art for donations. And of course, Wolf-Pac another front for Cenk’s money making disguised as some kind of progressive outlet trying to get money out of politics by overturning citizen united. Something Cenk definitely does not want otherwise he would have voted for and supported Hillary Clinton. Most of the men Cenk hired have been accused of sexual harassment and a whole slew of other offenses and fired. Cenk’s network now is mostly he and his co host Ana Kasparian. Cenk had to cut TYT’s budget down to pay Kasparian more money to stay as she was offered jobs with other networks. Cenk has kept a few other people around but most of the budget goes to Kasparian who is still Tomi Lahren to Cenk’s Sean Hannity. The slimmed down version of TYT is mostly just a daily reading of the news which is really just an excuse for the two of them to scream their opinions about things mostly their contempt for and having anything to do with The Democratic Party into the camera. Cenk went to Wharton Conservative Business college the same school as Donald Trump and TYT is a smokescreen for his business of pretending to be a progressive journalist while using the Rush Limbaugh, Roger Ailes southern strategy blueprint of using the radio and television to encourage white working- and middle-class people to angry at the government about their money while they keep sending Cenk money. Cenk stays busy making solo videos from his backyard or a private room asking viewers for donations. That’s when he’s not feeling and filming himself harassing united airline workers because his flight was delayed. There’s a fundraiser at TYT every day it seems. There was a documentary about Cenk and TYT released in 2014 called MAD AS HELL. MAD AS HELL is an adage Cenk stole from the tea party and Republicans who have used it as their call sign in their books and magazines and talk shows demanding their country back. It’s a slogan signifying the politics of anger. Anger and rage much like the AM Hate Radio and Fox News is TYT’s and Cenk’s calling card. When TYT isn’t busy lying they are telling half truths and letting people believe falsehoods if they think it helps their case. All through his second term they convinced their viewers that Barack Obama is responsible for all the actions of George W Bush. Obama wasn’t good enough for them. Not effective enough. TYT however rallied behind Bernie Sander’s 2016 Campaign almost becoming a base camp for the democratic primary loser to Hillary Clinton. TYT denounced any idea of voting for Hillary Clinton when Bernie lost the primary to her. Instead, they pushed all of their chips all in on another fellow grifter Cenk’s fellow alumni from Wharton Donald Trump who turned out to be pretty ineffective at his new job. Four years of the disaster that was Donald Trump didn’t help TYT see the light as in 202O they were back on the Bernie train as he was DeJa’Vuing his way to another primary loss against Joe Biden. Biden made even quicker work of Sanders than Hillary and the whole thing was over almost as quickly as it began. Giving TYT or Bernie hardly any time to milk it for all it was worth like they had in 2016 to rake in the dough. TYT like Bernie was crying “Rigged by the DNC” yet again helping Trump and Republicans push the big lie that led to the attack on the capitol to overturn the election on January 6th and sticking their finger in the eyes of black Democratic voters still not interested in their white savior. TYT campaigned hard against Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden in two election cycles basically making them out to be monsters who were worse for the country than Republicans and Donald Trump. TYT blames Democrats for enabling republicans when all TYT has ever done effectively is enable Republicans. They encourage people not to vote or to vote third party or to just outright vote Republican. TYT wants to be able to continue it’s grift of not supporting Democrats so Republicans can rip roar through the country destroying everything in their path and then blame Democrats for being ineffective when voters abandoned Democratic candidates in the midterms allowing more republicans to take office and blaming Joe Biden and Democrats for everything protest voters and progressive voters who watch TYT and bitch and moan but don’t show up to vote have allowed them to do. TYT also stood strong behind Nina Turner’s two failed and ridiculous campaigns in Ohio’s 11th district. Turner’s campaign commercials that aired Ohio pushed her as some kind of Moderate simultaneously she was on TYT every night blatantly being her hard left self and bashing moderates. Turner and Cenk assumed black people in Ohio’s 11th district were stupid and don’t know the difference between Turner and her opponent Shontel Brown. Brown thumped Turner even harder the second time around. Turner was Ineffective to say the least. In 2016 Cenk held town Halls with green party candidate and Putin dinner guest Jill Stein, covering and encouraging Bernie or bust rallies and Jill not hill rallies. Cenk and TYT did everything they could to help install Trump into the white house. TYT was sued by a former black employee for racial discrimination. They engaged in a staged fight with fellow trump supporters Alex Jones and info wars to dust up a bunch of attention for Bernie Sanders. One of their contributors was arrested for the murder of three cops in Texas. Police found a hornet’s nest of TYT and Jimmy Dore videos about Cops on his computer. TYT has whipped up irrational defund the police and anti-law enforcement rhetoric that has become further than ineffective not to mention dangerous. TYT loves to talk about racism but only a certain kind. The blatant racism impossible to ignore. Not the passive aggressive racism exuded by them and Bernie Sanders about the Democratic Party not being able to talk to the white working class where Bernie comes from. TYT prefers to reject identity politics and push the economic anxiety excuse. The puzzling canard that Democrats lose white voters because of their policies on economy but this excuse magically doesn’t translate to them not voting for Republicans who every time they finish a stint in White House the country in left economic ruins. Nor does it ever convert black voters who make less money to vote Republican. TYT blasted Joe Biden all through his 2020 campaign, pushing that he had dementia and sexual assaulted Russian plant and proven liar and fellow grifter Tara Reade. Cenk guaranteed a Bernie Sanders win in the 2020 Primary and then when Bernie lost, he guaranteed a Trump victory in the general. Both predictions were ineffective to say the least. TYT engages in constant racist and sexist attacks on Kamala Harris proclaiming that she is a cop who slept her way to the top and isn’t really black. The truth of the matter is that TYT does not think Joe Biden is ineffective. It’s just that the worst scenario for TYY are Democrats being effective. Their grift relies on this talking point. The more effective Biden is the worse it is for them. In a flailing act of desperation, no matter what effectiveness the Biden/Harris administration accomplishes TYT says their ineffective. Their hearts bleed for Bernie Sanders their deity of effectiveness who in thirty-one years in office has effectively passed three bills and renamed two post offices. America is learning on the fly, however slowly that third parties and voting for them are blind alleys and grifters like TYT can’t afford that. They need to be in business with and have a personal stake in the next grifter candidates. That gets harder and harder the more effectiveness you see from Democrats. They don’t want Democrats to be effective as it leads to exposing them for their own ineffectiveness and that of their handpicked candidates. Cenk plans to release a book in September of 2023 called Justice Is Coming: How Progressives Are Going To Take Over The County And America Is Going To Love it. It’s odd that Cenk doesn’t realize that this already happened in the 1960’s mostly with the civil rights movement. It was pretty effective, and it would have been good to keep it going but white people left the progressive Democratic party in droves. Ironically, just around that time. New progressives seem to think they invented progressiveness and just like them It seems Cenk and TYT would rather try to repackage progressiveness and try to sell it off as something new. It’s been here the whole time. It’s called The Democratic Party and it’s effective.



Robert Welch II

Movies, Books, Music, Art & Literature and Politics. Opinionated Social Commentary