Jesus Inside: The Self Crucifixion Of Mel Gibson
“Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy.” — Revelation 22:11
His bequest upon his followers should be that of rarified air and looking back on it all now it appeared to be moving that way. Once an actor with an immaculate track record on the silver screen and known as a good guy off of it. He had the entirety of a king’s ransom. Likability, Charm, good looks, and the talent. It all allowed him to be compared with the likes of Humphrey Bogart, Sean Connery, and Steve McQueen. He also had the acting chops that made all the directors want him in their movies. One in only a handful of actors to ever command $20 Million a picture at one point. Getting paid a whopping $30 Million just to be in the fourth installment of the Lethal Weapon franchise. Unquestionably a mega star. Whenever he slid into the director’s chair even more success came. Awards poured in almost as fast as the critical acclaim and box office tallies. Like Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford, Julia Roberts, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, his movies were events and he carried them with a Steele resolve through steely blue eyes. He was an action star, a dramatic juggernaut and even a comedic force. From Hamlet to Maverick. He covered a spectrum of genres. From the big summer movie to the serious compelling Autumn Drama. He was permanently standing on the winner’s platform at the end of every movie season either holding box office or Oscar gold. He was absolutely gleaming but eventually the shine began to fade and the cracks began to show. When you’re up so high and you slip you can fall pretty long and hard, and he did to a loud thud. More apropos in fact he jumped off of the platform of which he previously suspended himself upon like a Christ like figure. Like Jesus before him he was crucified by himself for his own sins. If you look past that what is so much right about the man, you find even more that’s wrong. His mind may have been able to easily grasp the complexities of Shakespeare, but something was not firing right up there. Something has always been very wrong with Mel Gibson. As He ripped through the 80’s and 90’s with hit after hit and anything negative was hard to see. His easygoing nature, comfortability around others and sense of humor covered up a lot of the trouble that was stirring inside. then in 1999 first time director Brian Helgeland didn’t want to change his movie Payback as the studio wanted him to. His artistic integrity wouldn’t allow him to compromise. But as Mel Gibson, who was the star and Producer on the film told film critic Roger Ebert about the situation. “I have no problem with artistic integrity, I’ll just walk right around it.” “I have people to answer to. Studios who give you all that money to work with” Gibson didn’t stand up for Helgeland and decided to let him go and part of the movie were reshot and reedited. From the outside a star ripping the movie away from the creator as a producer and looked really bad. For the first time Gibson’s reputation as a star with integrity took a hit. He looked like a control freak, an overbearing star overstepping his boundaries and pandering to the audience and studio afraid to take an artistic risk while stepping on another artist who wasn’t afraid to. The movie was an expensive mess with the budget of $90 Million is only made $81 Million at U.S/Canada Box office while it did $161 Million total worldwide it wasn’t the kind of Mel Gibson anyone was used to. After the success and blatant heroism of Braveheart Gibson seemed to be subconsciously breaking his true self out of the fake shell he had been living in by picking characters that we’re closer to his true nature. A filthy rich mogul hiding many secrets of corruption in Ransom. A Conspiracy rattled nut in Conspiracy Theory. A violent assole in Payback. A Christian family man questioning his faith in Signs as aliens surround him. He continued to make odd choices with even more peculiar results. Even in the romantic fantasy comedy What Women Want where he played a sexist self-involved pig, (having already done the research) but even in a movie with such light material it was dark and unpleasant he came off as mean and unsympathetic. Frankly he was an actor who looked bored. And the movies weren’t like the ones he had made before nor received in the same manner. There were many reasons that 2002 Signs was his last starring role until 2010. None more critical than the fact that While making Signs the airplanes crashed into the towers. It’s no coincidence that Gibson making the Passion Of The Christ came on the heels of September 11th and during the Iraq War. All of America got an immediate introduction to “radical Islam” And that’s how white Christians roll they need to flex their own God muscles to try to overshadow the other guys. Even George Bush announced that “We were going to have a crusade” after the terrorist’s attacks. America was gunning for Muslims and white Christians at home angry and afraid were leaning very heavily into their “faith.” They began to wear their religion more evident on their sleeves and one of these people seemingly inspired was Mel Gibson. He went into making The Passion Of The Christ with all self-righteous guns blazing. Gibson shot most of the film like a horror movie using the colors and the shadowy canvass of dark horror and many horror cinema dogmas and methods. Gibson looks at the Jews as Demons and Christ is their victim. To him this was an unspeakable horror, the brutal murder of his lord and savior that deserved to be told as a horror story. Horror more easily lets the idea of good vs evil to be more rapidly absorbed into the audiences watching it. The Passion Of The Christ was embroiled in controversy. There was no appearing to walk the line anymore Mel Gibson was all in on being a major Jesus freak. Something that affected the perception of him with a sizable number of fans. Gibson made a choice and would have to live with the consequences of making his devout Christian passion project as it somewhat divided his audience. After The Passion whirlwind Gibson didn’t work as an actor for a while and two years later in 2006, he was pulled over by the California Highway Patrol and arrested for drunk driving. Gibson’s first words to the arresting officers, “The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world, are you a jew?” If his hate of Jews were the first thing on Gibson’s mind and to blame for this moment in his life it’s hard not to believe they had been on his mind the entire time he was making The Passion Of The Christ. Gibson has mostly been given a pass for behavior that if done by others would have garnered much more criticism and consequences. Gibson has a large stable of connections and friends in Hollywood who have looked the other way at his transgressions because they don’t affect them personally. Most of them are white and the ones that aren’t white are already famous themselves and they’re rich people who have their own share of problems. Contrary to him his career really didn’t stall that much after the drunk driving arrest. He directed a movie that same year called Apocalypto which was released In theaters like clockwork. During the four years away from acting he still worked as a producer and an executive producer on three projects before his next film as an actor in 2010 Edge Of Darkness. Nothing really bad happened to Gibson. Anytime he has been asked about antisemitism in the Passion of the Christ or his drunk driving arrests or his racist and abusive phone tirades he’s gotten angry and instructed that everyone just needs to move on because he’s made his penance and he’s suffered enough according to him. In July of 2010 a tape was released of Gibson on the telephone verbally abusing his then girlfriend. Gibson was wildly unhinged often heard on the verge of hyperventilating telling his wife that “she may get raped by a pack of N words.” She needed to “get her big fake tits removed.” Out of nowhere Gibson using terms like “wetb*cks” he calls his girlfriend a c*nt, a b*tch and wh*re over and over repeatedly. She accused him of domestic violence, and It took that tape and that accusation for Gibson’s agency William Morrison to finally drop him as a client. It was really the first and only time Gibson faced any consequence for his behavior. One of Gibson’s most famous Hollywood friends is actor Robert Downey, Jr. In 2011 just a year after the tape’s release at an award ceremony Gibson presented Downey with an award. Downey’s plea was for everyone to forgive Gibson which was made even more strange by the fact that everyone important to furthering his career already had and hardly needed Downey’s cue. Downey claimed that Gibson had suffered and as he called it “Hugged The Cactus” long enough. To be clear he didn’t even hug the cactus for a full year up to that point if at all. Downey comparing his own issues with drugs with Gibson’s antisemitism and racism was also ridiculous an astounding as if Downey was trying to conflate Gibson’s Antisemitism as connected somehow to his drinking problem. Either way it made no sense at all asking people to put forgiving someone for a drug addiction on the same level as forgiving them for bigotry they never really made amends with anyway. Downey was surely level jumping Mel Gibson in other people’s lives separate from his own. With his pagan friend Downey’s blessing also done for others Gibson has jumped back into his career with both feet acting and directing and producing. Gibson has always been an open and easy to spot hypocrite in the fact that he’s always spoken about his faith and Christian dedication to Jesus and yet Gibson’s movies have constantly from the beginning been packed with ultra-violence and plenty of foul language, nudity, and sex. If it was up to Gibson’s church his movie career might not even exist. Certainly, the content of his movies wouldn’t be allowed through the legion of decency guidelines. Anger seems to be an emotion very easily accessed by Gibson. There’s a sundry of moments in his films where he is filled with intense rage because someone has done him wrong. It’s almost like Bruce Banner changing into the incredible hulk and you won’t like Mel when he’s angry. It’s not hard to connect that with the man on that abusive phone calls and in anti-Semitic drunk driving arrests. Today Mel Gibson is fully in with QAnon and worshipping Donald Trump. Gibson is a perfect candidate to fall into the Q Drop river. He’s been indoctrinated his entire life with religion, he has an axe to grind with Hollywood and the jews in his mind who run it and run everything and ruined his life and killed his friend Jesus. He’s a major homophobe and a racist bigot. In a scene in Lethal Weapon Gibson improvised his reaction to the idea of a female character who was killed being a possible lesbian to be homophobic. Gibson added his character calling it “Disgusting” which was not in the script. Stories of Gibson making openly gay slurs in front of gay men about AIDS and the way men have sex with each other and calling people “oven dodgers” is widely known in Hollywood and has been revealed by among others actress Winona Rider who described an incident with her gay friend and Gibson at a Hollywood party. He believes white Christians to be the purity salt of the earth. The $20 Million paydays are long gone, Mel also doesn’t have those to lose anymore. According to his friend and Jesus muse Jim Caviezel Gibson wept when he saw his movie Sound Of Freedom. According to Jim Ballard the film’s subject Gibson partially financed the film, set the production and film crew up and oversaw the final edit on Sound Of Freedom. Like Caviezel Gibson is pushing Sound Of Freedom as a new Uncle Tom’s Cabin that will help lead to a new civil war. Next Gibson plans to release a four-part documentary series he made with Ballard about child trafficking by Ukraine and Hollywood big shots. As Pastors and Republicans continue to get arrested for pedophilia like its a bodily function. Gibson continues to be wildly normalized by many in Hollywood including Mark Wahlberg who’s working with Gibson yet again on another film Gibson is directing. Wahlberg is a notorious racist scumbag who was arrested for assaulting Black people and Asian people. as he verbally harangued them with racial slurs and rocks. He then occupied black culture for a while in the early 90’s as rapper Marky Mark slowly through the 90’s he abandoned it all to be white again and inexplicably became one of the industry’s top paid actors. Possibly his faith so so obviously important to him allowed him to forgive Mel Gibson too. Maybe Downey’s plea really affected him. Gibson is also headed back to Lethal Weapon 5, which he will direct in place of the departed Richard Donner. Nothing will help normalize Mel Gibson more than starring in another mainstream movie franchise favorite like he’s the old Mel. Allowing him to readily hit us all easier with another dose of Christ as he’s making a sequel to The Passion with Caviezel back as Jesus as the film will follow his resurrection. It could also signify the full resurrection of Mel Gibson, but which Mel Gibson? Maybe all of them.
“Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” — Revelation 22:12–13,